Open up the fxmanifest.lua file and uncomment the following line
shared_scripts {
-- '@es_extended/imports.lua' uncomment if using esx
Step 4 - Upload Images
Add the images found in the images folder into your inventory script images folder if needed
Step 5 - Make changes to configuration
Change the framework to esx
Config.Framework = "esx"
Change target to ox-target. If you are not using ox-target, open a ticket in Discord to add compatibility
Config.Target = "ox-target"
Change dispatch script to none. Currently there is no support for dispatch on esx. If you would like to get compatibility added, please open a ticket in Discord.
Config.Dispatch = "none"
Change payment type to an esx payment type. You can do: moneybankblack_money
Config.PaymentType = "money"
Change Config.GetPlayerIdentifier to esx version
function Config.GetPlayerIdentifier(src)
-- QB Core
--local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
--if not Player then return nil end
--return Player.PlayerData.citizenid
-- ESX
local Player = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(src)
if not Player then return nil end
return Player.identifier
Change Config.GetPlayerByIdentifier to esx version
function Config.GetPlayerByIdentifier(identifier)
-- QB Core
--return QBCore.Functions.GetPlayerByCitizenId(identifier)
-- ESX
return ESX.GetPlayerFromIdentifier(identifier)
Configure to your liking. It is very lengthy because it contains the data for the missions. I recommend that you do not mess with any of the mission data, other than stuff like costs, rewards, spawns, ect. You should not be editing stuff like the names of missions, ect, as you will probably break something. It is already pre-configured so you shouldn't have to change much other than what I mentioned above.